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How To Make Money From Home As A Mom?

Ever since the invasion of the coronavirus, companies have had to adopt a quick infrastructure for their employees to work from home, risk losing their jobs or, the company might end up closing its doors. The profits of online companies either doubled or tripled during the hard lockdown when Covid-19 was still fresh in early 2020. Some companies had to shut their doors or permanently close down because of the nature of the business. On the other hand, online jobs became available, or the staff had to relocate from the office to work from home. The coronavirus also gave birth to opportunities for start-up business ventures that fall hand-in-hand with the lockdown and the virus. With the easing of the virus and restrictions in many countries, some mothers still find themselves at home actively seeking new employment. Let us discuss the various ways that moms can earn money from home or ultimately become successful entrepreneurs from home.

Cooking Lessons and Tips

Generally, mothers are the ones that manage the kitchen and do the cooking for the family. Breakfast is served at a specific time before your husband goes to work or your kids go to school. Thereafter, they're either alone in the house or with their pet(s). Later the day, they start cleaning the house before their family gets home. Sometimes, your kids might be home earlier than your husband, therefore, you prepare lunch for them and assist them with their homework or assignments. During the course of the morning and early afternoon, you have enough time to do whatever you want to. Mothers like to try out recipes in cookbooks or online for either dinner, dessert or sweet treats, etc. Some like to modify or make adjustments to an existing recipe. Mothers can document or record these modifications and turn them into a vlog or a blog and, ultimately, monetize them. You can create your own online cooking classes/courses which can be sold on your website.

Fitness and Yoga

To maintain a healthy balanced lifestyle as a full-time mother, engaging in fitness and yoga activities and exercises have proven to be one of the best methods to do so. If you're not keen on doing it alone, you can always enroll in yoga classes at a fitness center or a gym. On the other hand, your friends and you can start your own fitness program. Moms, specifically the working-class, may find it difficult to allocate time to get to a gym or a fitness center for a workout. You can be the solution! As a stay-at-home-mom who maintains a healthy lifestyle, offering classes for the busy moms in your neighborhood can be a start to earning an income. You don't have to rent space in a building to get started, you can start by using your premises - either inside your house or the front yard. All you need is a program, space, and fresh air. Other moms will see this when they drive/walk past your house, which will motivate them to join your classes. Of course, the bigger your clientele, the bigger your income.

Cleaning Tips

It goes without saying that moms are normally the ones that keep the house clean. Your husband will be busy with maintenance and the kids, well, they're probably busy with their school assignments or they're up to mischief. The working-class parents are more than likely to draw up a schedule for everyone in the house to take care of certain responsibilities. For the stay-at-home mom, this is less likely to happen because she would normally take care of everything while her partner is at work and the kids are at school. Not every mom has the same method or style of cleaning their house. However, they're always seeking out some tips and advice on how to get certain appliances to look brand new again, etc. If you discovered a brilliant and cost-effective way to clean a greasy stove or oven, why not share it with the rest of the world? Sharing your knowledge on various or undiscovered methods of cleaning can be done on many social media platforms which, eventually, can be monetized.

Baby Care Advice

New or soon-to-be parents are always seeking the best methods and ways to raise their children - from changing the diapers to finding the perfect diet. Soon-to-be parents may prepare themselves by purchasing enough baby items, learning parenthood by watching videos online or reading blog posts or, attending special classes for parents. Regardless of how prepared you are, it becomes a different ball game as soon as your baby is born. This can be compared to a school/college test. No matter if you studied one month in advance for a test, the duration and difficulty level of the paper won't change. New parents tend to fall over their feet or become overwhelmed because of their newborn. As mentioned earlier in this section, parents will seek advice. Stay-at-home moms can use this to earn an income by creating online courses, a blog, or a vlog, or by offering classes in the comfort of their own homes. Moms can also offer classes by going to their client's premises for a better learning experience where they can use the client's standard of living as a basis for their lessons.

Time Management

The working-class parent generally finds it difficult to make time for anything because they are always busy with work. It is common among children and teenagers to become despondent, rebellious, and misbehave when their parents focus more on their work and when they do not make time for their children. Having takeout for dinner becomes a norm, they do not check up on their kids' progress in school but expect results, and everything gets handed to the children on a silver platter. By the time he/she get to their senior years of school, it becomes a blaming game between parent and child. You can help parents avoid this by offering time management classes for the working class parent. The desired outcome for this is to educate parents before they're faced with the Berlin Wall in the coming years ahead. This will ensure a healthy balanced lifestyle between parent and kid.

Lifestyle Blogger

Each person on this earth has their very own unique lifestyle that is indistinguishable from person to person. It's like a fingerprint! Your personality and your lifestyle will ultimately determine which path in life you're on. It can be good or bad. Sometimes, it can be too good which can be seen as a bad thing. Personal development is an essential aspect of our daily lives and in our professional lives. Some people have mastered keeping their work relationships separate from their personal relationships. In my opinion, it can become a lot of effort to wear two or more different lifestyle uniforms every day. Some have managed to adapt one lifestyle in every aspect of their life. The stay-at-home mom can use the daily experiences of their partner or kids as a means of research to become a lifestyle blogger or vlogger. They can also use their personal experiences to teach others how to maintain a balanced lifestyle without burning out. The resources and learning material about personal development are widely available on the world wide web. However, making it much simpler for your reader or viewer will definitely rake in loyal subscribers which you can monetize from it in various ways.

Graphic Designing

Design is a skill/talent that one is either born with, taught, or self-taught. The beauty of art is that it allows us to dwell out of reality and into a fictional dimension. Basically, it's putting words, ideas, and thought into a picture. Art and design consist of many sub-categories such as painting, photography, digital designing and so much more. Stay-at-home moms that have the talent and a hobby for arts and craft can invest in either selling their work or teaching classes about graphic designing. Various computer design programs allow us to make our imagination realistic:

The above mentioned are just a few of many design software available online.

Stay-at-home moms that are filled with creativity and motivation should put their skills to work and start making money from home. Creativity doesn't cost you a penny.


The fashion industry is worth billions of dollars, some even saying that it's worth more than a trillion dollars. Major fashion labels and designer labels include Nike, Gucci, Versace, Adidas, Louis Vuitton, Saint Laurant, Levi, etc. If you're a stay-at-home-mom looking to earn an income in the fashion industry, becoming a seamstress may be the answer. Your neighbor, friends, or family are always looking for someone to fix or amend their garments. Why don't you become that someone? Or, create your own garments from scratch and sell them online. Spanish fashion executive and the founder of Zara, Amancio Ortega, dropped out of school at the age of 14 to find a job to help his family. Today, he is worth more than 60 Billion USD. What if your garments become the next big thing? All it takes is an idea, motivation, and superb marketing.

Write an Ebook

Writing a book, in my personal opinion, is one of the best feats one can ever accomplish. Not only will it earn you an income, but you'll also receive a new title as an 'author'. Whenever I mention or show people that I self-published a novel, their facial reaction depicts that of disbelief. People will look at you in a different light and respect you. You can find a copy of my novel here. To publish a book, you do not have to go through the traditional publishing routes. You can simply self-publish it on Amazon, Smashwords, Barnes, and Noble, etc. If you feel that you are not very good at writing, Grammarly will help you. I used Grammarly as an extension on Google Chrome as well as on my android device. As soon as your book is edited and ready to be published, don't hesitate to do so. Ebooks are the highest-selling digital products. This may be your trump card to financial freedom.

Event Planning

Whenever your partner or your child has an upcoming birthday or a special event, stay-at-home moms are more than likely to plan and arrange the event. Because you have more time on your hands, this is a task that you'll gladly take care of. On other hand, why not relieve the burden for others as well at a fee? Planning events for the busy person can definitely earn you a decent income. The more impressed people are with your work, you'll get recommended by them to their family, friends, and colleagues. Focus on small events and then move your way up to corporate events. This is the moneymaker! Create an online presence for your event planning business to advertise your work and what you're capable of. You will, undoubtedly, get noticed online with the correct marketing strategies.

To conclude, there are many ways moms can make money while being at home. Do thorough research to find your niche product/idea. Start now. Tomorrow might be too late.


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